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Daily Declaration

Miranda’s thesis project to finish off their 4 years at Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design. “Daily Declaration” is a deck of cards, much like oracle or tarot cards, that are there to be a support for you on your rough days when you just are not feeling good enough - which everyone is good enough & deserves happiness. The deck includes positive affirmations on each card written by Miranda as well. This deck of cards has 4 categories within it. Those categories are Mental Health importance, General Advice, Feel Better statements & Body Positivity. All of the cards include hand-rendered typography, subtle shading & highlights easy on the eyes, full-color cards & full-color backs as well.

gen advice full layout.jpg
body positive full layout.jpg
make you feel better full layout.jpg
mental health full layout.jpg
top cards.jpg
These tote bags were an addition to my thesis from another class that gave me the opportunity to add to my thesis.  I decided on these cotton tote bag designs which each one being from the categories from the deck but the affirmations are ones that …

These tote bags were an addition to my thesis from another class that gave me the opportunity to add to my thesis. I decided on these cotton tote bag designs which each one being from the categories from the deck but the affirmations are ones that are not included in the deck. If you are interested in purchasing any of the bags you can find them on my redbubble store: BUY TOTE BAGS (you can also get these as stickers & magnets!)